Get up at 7; Get ready for Office; So called breakfast; Short travel to office; Check out the mails that has flooded the Inbox; Solve abends holding the breath; Get ready for the tasks assigned through E-Mail; Short breaks, but still thinking of work requests then; Call onsite coordinator to get doubts clarified; Stay late at office to finish tasks assigned; Short travel back to home; Sleep.....
This is what my daily schedule was for the past one year. Getting screwed up with doing the same routine stuff.
But at the end of the day if you feel that you have gained something new that you have never known before, then that will definitely pay for all the hard work that you have put in all these days. Learning should go hands on hands with time as you get experienced.
Last week I had a few words with my colleague whom I admire a lot at his technical skills. He is a very cool guy with loads of technical knowledge. He was briefing how to take complex things lightly. That was awesome. I wish I will be like him one day.
After the Appraisal Ratings were released last month, one of my friends changed his messenger status message as below.
"My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group: there was much less competition". I was wondering at his immediate response to the ratings through the status message he displayed. Later I came to know that this was one of the famous quotes of Indhira Gandhi.
A mix of hard work and knowing the ways to take the credit will take anyone to greater heights.